Watercooler cu filtre
Soluții inteligente de purificare a apei care se instalează simplu, accesând rețeaua de apă potabilă din casa ta.
Sistemath Diamond Watercooler with cold and hot water, equipped with a high-performance purification system of 2 water filters and UV sterilization
Sistemath Carbopurity Carbo Watercooler with NSC filtration system and UV sterilization
Sistemath Luxium Black Watercooler (purificator apă) cu 3 filtre apă - sistem performant de purificare, apă rece și la temperatura camerei
Sistemath HomeBox Subscription with high-performance purification system 4 water filters + separate tap for drinking water
Sistemath Nano Watercooler for room temperature water, equipped with high-performance purification system with 2 water filters
Sistemath Luxium Plus Black Watercooler (purificator apă) cu 3 filtre apă - sistem performant de purificare, apă rece și la temperatura camerei
Sistemath Averio Small Cold and hot water cooler, equipped with high-performance purification system with 3 water filters and UV sterilization
Sistemath Zenon SmallWatercooler (purificator apă) cu 3 filtre apăsistem performat de purificare apă rece și fierbinte Watercooler for water filtration, available in subscription for companies
Sistemath Duon High-performance system with 2 water filters
Sistemath Trion Subscription to a high-performance purification system with 3 water filters
Sistemath Averio Small Plus Cold and hot water cooler, equipped with high-performance purification system with 3 water filters and UV sterilization
Sistemath Zenon Small PlusWatercooler (purificator apă) cu 3 filtre apăsistem performat de purificare apă rece și fierbinte Watercooler pentru filtrarea apei, disponibil în abonament pentru companii
Sistemath Hidrateq Cold and hot water cooler, equipped with high-performance purification system with 3 water filters
Sistemath Hidrateq Plus Cold and hot water cooler, equipped with high-performance purification system with 3 water filters
Sistemath Averio Plus Watercooler for cold and hot water, equipped with a high-performance purification system with 3 water filters and UV sterilization
Sistemath Averio Cold and hot water cooler, equipped with high-performance purification system with 3 water filters and UV sterilization
Sistemath Zenon BigWatercooler (purificator apă) cu 3 filtre apăsistem performat de purificare apă rece și fierbinte Watercooler with water filtration system, available in subscription for companies
Sistemath Zenon Big PlusWatercooler (purificator apă) cu 3 filtre apăsistem performat de purificare apă rece și fierbinte Watercooler with water filtration system, available in subscription for companies
Sistemath Luxium Plus Watercooler for cold and room temperature water, with 3 water filter system
Sistemath Luxium Watercooler for cold and room temperature water, with 3 water filter system
Watercooler cu apă îmbuteliată
Descoperă serviciul sustenabil La Fântâna cu watercooler (dozator) în custodie și apă îmbuteliată livrată lunar la tine acasă.
Confort Max 8 Spring water subscription 8 x 8L with watercooler included
Confort Max 6 Subscription 48 liters of spring water in reusable bottle per month + Watercooler included
Extra 8 Spring water subscription 8 x 10L with watercooler included
Extra 6 Spring water subscription 6 x 10L with watercooler included
Confort Slim 8 Spring water subscription 8 x 8L with watercooler included
Confort Slim 6 Spring water subscription 6 x 8L with watercooler included
Aquacool Carbo 3 Subscription with carbo watercooler and 57 liters of water, delivered monthly in reusable 19l bottles
Dozator apă Aquacold Carbo 3 Abonament Watercooler CARBO ( dozator apa ) inclus + 57 litri apă pe lună, în bidon reutilizabil de 19l
Aquacool Ultra 3 Subscription with watercooler and 57 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 4 Subscription with watercooler and 76 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 5 Subscription with watercooler and 95 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 6 Subscription with watercooler and 114 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 7 Subscription with watercooler and 133 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 8 Subscription with watercooler and 152 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 9 Subscription with watercooler and 171 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
Aquacool Ultra 10 Subscription with watercooler and 190 liters of water, delivered monthly in 19l reusable bottles
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