Water Consumption: Key Health Benefits

Water Consumption: Key Health Benefits

What are the health benefits of water?

Specialists have long recommended it, and this is no longer news — to keep our bodies in optimal condition, we need to consume plenty of fluids, primarily water. But have you ever wondered why this specific amount and what major benefits water consumption offers to the body?

What is the recommended daily water intake?

The recommended two liters of water per day is actually a convention — an average amount that researchers have determined by calculating various bodily needs and benefits. For instance, drinking two liters of water daily helps us burn an additional 96 calories compared to what we typically burn in a normal day.

Water consumption, beyond fulfilling the natural need for thirst, has multiple benefits for the body. Adopting consistent water consumption habits can have specific, targeted effects, from weight loss to skin hydration.

Preventing Premature Skin Aging

Regular water consumption, without claiming to be any kind of "elixir of youth," is the most important factor in skin hydration. Water "pushes" cells toward the epidermis, which helps to "smooth out" wrinkles and other signs of aging on your skin. So, before turning to all sorts of moisturizing creams, ensure you’re drinking the recommended two liters of water daily — it’s a simple way to save your skin!

Maintaining an Optimal Weight

Of course, "miracle water diets" have emerged, but that’s not the point. The idea is much simpler. If you drink two glasses of water about half an hour before a meal, you’ll eat less because water reduces the sensation of hunger. Additionally, water boosts your metabolism and "carries away" fats and harmful substances as it travels through your body. Therefore, whether you’re on a diet or not — but especially if you are — drinking two liters of water daily should be a basic rule.

Energizing the Body Through Hydration

We cannot live without water. If we find ourselves in the desert without water or food, we die of dehydration before malnutrition. In short, hydration is one of the pillars that sustains our life. Why? Among other things, because it is essential for pumping blood to the heart and transporting oxygen throughout the body. You might not have realized this is happening, but you feel it every time lethargy sets in and a glass of water revitalizes you almost instantly. Now you know why! ;)

Increasing Resistance to Stress

Our brain — the source of almost everything, right? — is composed of nearly 80% water, connected to the rest of the water in our body. When we become dehydrated, the water in our brain decreases as well, making us more vulnerable to stress. Regular water consumption throughout the day keeps the brain hydrated, which rewards us by improving our resilience to stress. There's a reason for the saying, "Take it with water!"

Enhancing Physical Performance

This is perhaps the most well-known benefit of water consumption — though we often call it simply "quenching thirst." As the transporter of oxygen in the body, water directly influences muscle health and lubricates the joints. Proper hydration allows these systems to function optimally, helping them perform better and endure greater physical effort.

Enhancing Cognitive Functions

It’s the same story as with stress resistance. Our brain primarily needs oxygenation, and water is the key facilitator for this process. Don’t believe it? Think about intoxication. Alcohol dehydrates, even contributing to the loss of water in the brain — which explains why "wine speaks" for us when we overindulge in alcohol without staying hydrated. Therefore, for the proper functioning of our minds, those two liters of water are absolutely essential!

Boosting the Immune System

Last but not least, regular and sufficient water consumption is one of the most effective ways to strengthen the immune system. Water acts as the body's "clean-up crew," transporting toxins to the liver and kidneys, where they are neutralized and eliminated. Regular hydration helps the body fight toxins and prevents them from "settling in."


The list of reasons why we should drink at least two liters of water a day is far from complete. However, it’s good to recall and emphasize the most important ones, even though everyone might say, “But everyone already knows this.” That same “everyone,” however, often forgets to stay properly hydrated. So, dear “everyone,” remember to drink those two liters of water every single day!