Sistemath Hidrateq Plus Cold and hot water cooler, equipped with high-performance purification system with 3 water filters
Smart technology at the service of man and nature
HYDRATEEQ is part of the generation of SISTEMATH devices which offers you tasty and good filtered drinking water at the office or at home, efficiently, comfortably and at your discretion.
The watercooler is a water filtration system digitally controllable, via buttons on the front panel, which offers the possibility to obtain water at ambient temperature, cold or hot, with a simple touch. The SISTEMATH HIDRATEQ subscription includes free sanitation of the device and free replacement of all filters every 6 months.
The watercooler is a water filtration system digitally controllable, via buttons on the front panel, which offers the possibility to obtain water at ambient temperature, cold or hot, with a simple touch. The SISTEMATH HIDRATEQ subscription includes free sanitation of the device and free replacement of all filters every 6 months.

Dozatorul Hidrateq Plus are un sistem de purificare compus din trei filtre de apă independente:
Are capacitatea de a reține din apă toate particulele cu diametrul mai mare de 5 microni (nisip, argilă, rugină, etc), cu capacitate de filtrare de maximum 3600 de litri în funcție de calitatea apei de rețea. Filtrul va fi înlocuit o dată la 6 luni.
Elimină din compoziția apei substanțe chimice nocive (insecticide, materiale sintetice cancerigene, clorul, compuși organici volatili) și compuși secundari de clorinare. Are o capacitate de filtrare de maximum 3600 de litri în funcție de calitatea apei de rețea. Filtrul va fi înlocuit o dată la 6 luni.
Acest filtru de înaltă calitate, pe bază de carbon activ bloc, reține din apă particulele cu diametrul de până la 3 microni și împrospătează gustul și mirosul apei. Are o capacitate de filtrare de maximum 7200 de litri, în funcție de calitatea apei de rețea. Filtrul va fi înlocuit o dată la 6 luni.
Capacitate rezervor apă rece: 3 litri;
Capacitate rezervor apă fierbinte: 1 litru
Dimensiuni: 31 (L) x 37 (A) x 108 (Î) cm;
Capacitate rezervor apă fierbinte: 1 litru
Dimensiuni: 31 (L) x 37 (A) x 108 (Î) cm;
When you decide to join our subscription program, the benefits are obvious. You always have a true expert in water filtration by your side. With Sistemath Hydrateq Plus, you no longer have to worry about changing filters or sanitizing your tank. All this is managed by us, so you can enjoy clean water without the taste and smell of chlorine, without any hassle.
In addition to constant and worry-free filtration, we also offer complete installation and maintenance services provided by specialized technicians. In addition, filter exchange and sanitation are included free of charg.
In addition to constant and worry-free filtration, we also offer complete installation and maintenance services provided by specialized technicians. In addition, filter exchange and sanitation are included free of charg.
Order the product with online payment by subscription
You leave us your data and we e the contract online
When you order, you pay the first month of the subscription and the installation fee
The team of qualified technicians comes and installs the device
The subscription amount will be automatically withdrawn from your card monthly
We come to you when maintenance is needed
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