In the kitchen
Legenda spune că acum aproximativ 5000 de ani în China, micul împărat Shen Nung s-a oprit pe parcursul unei călătorii să se odihnească sub un copac. În timp ce își fierbea apă pentru a o bea, o frunză din copacul de deasupra a căzut în oala fierbinte și a colorat apa. După ce s-a răcit, Shen Nung a sorbit din lichid și a simțit cum o stare de pace și calm îi cuprinde corpul.
Like most legends, we will never know what the historical truth is - but regardless, we can only be glad that someone discovered this drink we have come to call tea - which puts us to sleep, energizes, calms, makes an entire planet happy!What are the most popular types of tea?
First, let's start by seeing what exactly falls into the tea category. Although they(...)
That you can't make soup without water everyone knows, just as you can't smoke without fire. That soup is better if the water is clean knows every good housewife or householder. And in that of meat, in addition to clean water, you must also boil many bones, with marrow, if possible, to give good taste and robust aroma to the food. Soups are made from all edible vegetables, fruits, bulbs, and tubers, from birds, mammals, and fish of all kinds, and this is known. And if, especially in Transylvania, beer or wine soups are still made - I don't think too many people have heard of the water soup.
"Water soup" (just like that!) is a recipe that appears in our country, written and printed for the first time, in an old cookbook, published by GastroArt publishing house.
"The Little Book of the Chef's Profession – the Cluj Cookbook printed in 1695", represents a translation for the first time from medieval Hungarian made by the Cluj historian József Lukács, who also signs the explanatory(...)