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Refill Pack (4 x 8) & Coffee 32 liters spring water + 50 KAFUNE capsules compatible with Nespresso
lei143.00 -
Start Pack (2 x 8) & Coffee 16 liters spring water + 50 KAFUNE capsules compatible with Nespresso
lei178.00 -
Start Pack (4 x 8) & Coffee 32 liters of spring water + 50 KAFUNE capsules compatible with Nespresso
lei266.00 -
Enjoy 100 INTENSO Subscription - 100 premium Kafune capsules per month and espresso machine included
Enjoy 100 LIGHT Subscription - 100 premium Kafune capsules per month and espresso machine included
Enjoy 100 ARABICA Subscription 100 premium Kafune capsules per month and espresso machine included
Pachet cafea capsule LIGHT Premium coffee Kafune 120 capsule compatibile Nespresso
lei195.00 -
Kafune Coffee Pods Package Premium coffee pods 50 Arabica + 50 Intenso + 50 Aromao + 50 Decaf
lei283.00 -
Enjoy 100 AROMAO High-performance, ergonomic espresso machine
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