Bag-in-box package (4 x 10) 4x10L spring water + free metal stand

93 % of 100
  Bottled fresh spring water in Tălmaciu, Sibiu County
  Sustainable PET-free hydration solution
  Comes together with a free metal stand for your first order
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  Bottled fresh spring water in Tălmaciu, Sibiu County
  Sustainable PET-free hydration solution
  Comes together with a free metal stand for your first order
The bag-in-box system is one of the most innovative packaging systems for water.
It contains fresh spring water bottled in Tălmaciu, Sibiu County. The water is bottled in an innovative box with a special system, which protects it from the sun's rays and does not allow contact with air even after unsealing. Thus, throughout the entire period of use, the content is protected from microorganisms.

The 10L box has its own incorporated tap and can be placed on the worktop or in a mini watercooler. On your first order, you will receive a free metal stand from us.


Spring water bottled in innovative packaging with a special system, which protects the water from sunlight and contact with microorganisms throughout use
Here's why the Bag-in-Box system is the ideal choice for you:
Safety and Quality
The bag-in-box system is a practical and efficient way of packaging and distributing water, ensuring a longer product life and a more pleasant user experience.
Waste reduction
With a design designed to minimize waste generation, the Bag-in-Box system is an excellent alternative to traditional packaging. The durable cardboard box can be easily recycled, and the inner bag ensures maximum efficiency in space use, which significantly reduces environmental impact.
Efficiency in Storage and Transport
The bag-in-box has a compact shape and layout that allows you to keep several boxes in a confined space.
Advanced Product Protection
Thanks to its innovative features, the Bag-in-Box system provides an excellent barrier against light and air. This helps extend the shelf life of the product, minimizing waste and the need for additional transportation.
Easily recyclable
Most components of the Bag-in-Box system are recyclable, including plastic bags and cardboard boxes.
Product Reviews
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100 % of 100
Apa este foarte buna iar cu suportul se poate folosi foarte ok cam pe oriunde prin casa.
Apa este foarte buna iar cu suportul se poate folosi foarte ok cam pe oriunde prin casa.
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Wagner Alexandrina
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Foarte buna si racoritoare
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Cristea Marinela
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Foarte buna!
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Coman Cristina
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Super bună apa ❤️
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Sunt foarte multumita de cat de rapid este livrata apa, ca o primesc la usa casei si, de asemenea, ca are un cost avantajos.
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