What is water pH and what is important to know

What is water pH and what is important to know

Find out what water pH is and why it's important

You've probably heard about the pH level of water being an important indicator of quality, but since you've come to this article, you're probably not entirely clear about its meaning. So:

What is the normal pH of water?

In short, pH stands for "hydrogen potential" and expresses the acidity or basicity of a substance on a scale from 0 to 14. Therefore, the ideal and good pH for health would be at 7, the completely neutral value. The lower the pH of 7, the more acidic the water will be. Conversely, the higher the pH, the more basic (or alkaline) the water. In approximate values, neutral waters fall somewhere between pH 6.8 and 7.2.
What should also be mentioned is that this scale runs logarithmically and not linearly. Thus, a Ph of 9 would be 10 times more alkaline than an 8. And a pH of 10, 100 times more alkaline than the same pH of 8, and so on.

Carbonated water and still water

Carbonated mineral waters, for example, have an acidic character. Carbon dioxide "dissolves", carbonic acid is formed in water and the saddle reaches a low pH. That doesn't mean it would have any harmful effect on our health. After drinking it, the water enters the small intestine and loses its carbon dioxide - and acidic character, with it - finally becoming alkaline water with a pH between 7 and 8.5. As it is, you guessed it, still water!
On the contrary, carbonated mineral water can also have beneficial effects on our bodies It can help stimulate gastric secretion and motility, increase diuresis, and help us eliminate excess minerals and acids from the body. Carbonated water is recommended before eating to stimulate appetite and digestion, while between meals still water with a neutral pH is indicated.
What you need to remember is that as long as the water consumed has a pH between 5.0 and 8.5, it will not have negative effects on your health!

The pH of our body

Our body works in such a way as to maintain the pH of the blood at the optimal level of 7.35. The lower it is, the higher the risk of getting sick. To keep the blood alkaline and neutralize acids in the blood, the body extracts minerals stored in our bones and organs. Therefore, acidity in the blood, especially if it is maintained for too long, affects our health and leads to aging and weakening of organs.

If it drops below 7.0, then you can fall into a coma or even die. Although it seems an insignificant difference, we must not forget that it is a logarithmic scale and that this 0.35% means four times higher acidity.

What pH should drinking water have?

Romanian norms indicate a pH of potable water between 6.5 and 8.5., although ideally a value as close as possible to that of blood (7.35). It becomes unpleasant when the pH of water drops below 5.6, becoming too acidic and causing irreversible changes in the epithelium. And if exceeds 11, then it means that the water is much too alkaline and affects the eyes, skin, and mucous, membranes, irritating them.

If you are curious about what kind of substances, we find in each of the two extremes, battery acid has a pH of 0.0, while bleach has a maximum alkalinity of 14. It is also good to know that for external water (washing hands, face, and the rest of the body) a slightly acidic pH is recommended, between 4.6 and 6.2, at the same level as the pH of our skin.

Pay attention, at the same time, to distilled or demineralized water. Although it has a normal pH of 6.0 and 7.5, it has a very corrosive effect and should not, under any circumstances, be drunk!

We keep ourselves healthy if we also maintain the pH level in the body

The pH of our own body can be measured and regulated by the lifestyle we lead. For example, a healthy, alkaline diet will bring the pH to a higher and healthier level – while drinking alcohol or junk food will do the opposite, lowering the pH in the body.
Therefore, a healthy diet would include a larger amount of fruits and vegetables, the rule being that food increases the alkalinity of the body. A notable exception is lemon, which, although it has a very acidic pH of 2.4, after being assimilated produces an alkalinization with a pH of 7-9. Although lemon and other fruits contain a significant acidic component, such as citric acid, our body neutralizes it and thus benefits from alkaline minerals.
On the other hand, acidifying foods that have a low pH are prepared, industrially refined, heated, or canned foods. These are not unhealthy in themselves and should not all be avoided, as we find a diversity of foods here. These include alcohol, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, chocolate, but also dairy products, eggs, meat, and nuts.
The consequences of increased acidity in the body are diverse – and harmful. From hormonal disorders to lack of energy, excessive weight gain, and even the development of tumors, depending on each case, increased acidity in the body makes us sick and should be avoided!

How emotions interact with pH

The latest studies show that there is, indeed, a link between our emotional states and blood pH levels. People who are under the influence of stress, constant worry, or suffer from insomnia usually have a more acidic pH in the body. At the opposite pole are people who feel they lead a fulfilled and happy life.

In conclusion

The pH is an indicator of all the water that surrounds us or is part of our body. Whether we are talking about the water we drink, wash with, or the pH of the blood or skin, understanding how it works is very useful. Drinking alkaline water is not enough - you should try to keep a balanced diet and, above all, a healthy lifestyle, which starts with proper hydration of your body!