KAFUNE AROMAO capsules pack Premium coffee KAFUNE 120 capsule compatibile Nespresso
The aroma of a truly memorable espresso
KAFUNE AROMAO capsules propose a coffee with personality and a complete experience. At first, the light brown color with reddish shades catches your eye, and then you discover its well-defined body in the delicate and consistent cream. Immediately after, intense aromas with hints of vanilla and bergamot emerge. Moreover, the flavor stays with you after each sip, through the notes of lemongrass in the retrotaste.

The capsules are compatible with the Nespresso system. *
*Nespresso® is a registered trademark of Société des produits Nestlé SA. La Fântâna SRL is not associated with or sponsored in any way by Société des produits Nestlé SA.
*Nespresso® is a registered trademark of Société des produits Nestlé SA. La Fântâna SRL is not associated with or sponsored in any way by Société des produits Nestlé SA.
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